TOEFL iBT 成績查詢


這期間還真的煎熬啊…TPO不敢刪,講義不敢收,天天癡癡的等Email,終於在10天之後收到信了。沒想到效率還蠻快的,之前還有人說要 “十個工作天”?

Your TOEFL Scores are now Available

Dear TOEFL® Test Taker,
The scores from your recent TOEFL iBT™ test are now available online.
To view your scores, log into your TOEFL iBT profile,  select View Scores, and click on your test date.  You may experience delays viewing your scores due to demand at peak times.  If this happens, please wait and then log in again.
If you are unable to access your scores, email us at
Thank you for choosing the TOEFL test.
The TOEFL Team
Educational Testing Service
P.O. Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151, USA

一大早上班Gmail收到這封信也真夠刺激的…馬上點了信裡的 “TOEFL iBT profile”,帳號密碼登入後,左邊的欄位有個Scores->View scores,點進去選你考的那場考室旁邊的See Details 就可以查詢托福成績了。



啥!!!109!!!這甚麼成績啊!!!Reading還滿分!!!嘴巴張到快脫臼了…花了好久才合回去…我還特別Log out又再Log in再檢查一次,沒出錯吧??? 100就偷笑勒ㄟ!!!我做TPO的時候Reading 和 Listening都會錯個3~6題啊!滿分是怎樣? ETS大發慈悲???


Reading  Skills


Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did, typically understand academic texts in English that require a wide range of reading abilities regardless of the difficulty of the texts.

Test takers who score at the HIGH level, typically

  • have a very good command of academic vocabulary and grammatical structure;
  • can understand and connect information, make appropriate inferences, and synthesize ideas, even when the text is conceptually dense and the language is complex;
  • can recognize the expository organization of a text and the role that specific information serves within the larger text, even when the text is conceptually dense; and
  • can abstract major ideas from a text, even when the text is conceptually dense and contains complex language.Listening  Skills Listening
    High(22-30) Test takers who receive a score at the HIGH level, as you did, typically understand conversations and lectures in English that present a wide range of listening demands. These demands can include difficult vocabulary (uncommon terms, or colloquial or figurative language), complex grammatical structures, abstract or complex ideas, and/or making sense of unexpected or seemingly contradictory information. 

    When listening to lectures and conversations like these, test takers at the HIGH level typically can understand main ideas and important details, whether they are stated or implied; distinguish more important ideas from less important ones; understand how information is being used (for example, to provide evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complex process); recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example, in a cause-and-effect relationship); understand many different ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information (for example, to emphasize a point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentions indirectly); and synthesize information, even when it is not presented in sequence, and make correct inferences on the basis of that information.

    Speaking  Skills

    Speaking about familiar topics
    Fair(2.5 – 3.0)

    Your responses indicate you are able to speak in English about your personal experiences and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner. Your speech is mostly clear with only occasional errors. Grammar and vocabulary are somewhat limited and include some errors. At times, the limitations prevent you from elaborating fully on your ideas, but they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.

    Speaking about campus situations
    Good(3.5 – 4.0)

    Your responses indicate an ability to speak effectively in English about reading material and conversations typically encountered by university students. Overall, your responses are clear and coherent, with only occasional errors of pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary.

    Speaking about academic course content
    Good(3.5 – 4.0)

    Your responses demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in English about academic topics typical of first-year university studies. Your speech is mostly clear and fluent. You are able to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to explain concepts and ideas from reading or lecture material. You are able to talk about key information and relevant details with only minor inaccuracies.

    Writing  Skills

    Writing based on reading and listening
    Good(4.0 – 5.0)

    You responded well to the task, relating the lecture to the reading. Weaknesses, if you have any, might have to do with slight imprecision in your summary of some of the main points and/or use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical or unclear.

    Writing based on knowledge and experience
    Fair(2.5 – 3.5)

    You expressed ideas with reasons, examples, and details, but your response indicated weaknesses such as you may not provide enough specific support and development for your main points; your ideas may be difficult to follow because of how you organize your essay or because of the language you use to connect your ideas; and/or grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make the writing difficult to understand.

    正式解脫了!!! 109應該不會有學校刁吧按照ETS的TOEFL iBT Score Comparison Tables來轉換的話,CBT有267,PBT有630~633。反正我又不念名校 XD,應該夠啦。



    update 12/7/10

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